Saturday, October 9, 2010

Four Steps to Neck Pain Relief

Four Steps to Neck Pain Relief:

My San Diego chiropractic office sees a regular flow of patients with neck pain.  I use a variety of chiropractic adjustments and physiotherapy modalities to help relieve the pain and stiffness that accompanies neck pathologies.  In addition to treatment that I perform here in the office for neck pain, there are many steps and procedures that can be taken by the patient outside of my direct care.

Here is a list of four pro-active steps that you can take to avoid neck pain.

1)    Avoid activities that instigate neck pain
2)    Stretch
3)    Exercise
4)    Watch Your Posture

Let’s begin with number one.  This sounds simple, but avoiding activities that instigate neck pain seems to skirt peoples’ minds.  It is kind of like that old doctors’ saying, “if it hurts don’t do it!”  You would be surprised by how many of my patients come in with neck pain, or hip, arm, back, etc pain and say, “you know doc, every time I do (fill in the blank) I hurt my neck.”  It is the strangest thing but it happens over and over.

Stretching is also very important in relieving neck pain.  With stretching, it should be done as a prevention, not a cure.  This means that by stretching daily, you can help prevent a neck pain crisis.  Usually, stretching during a neck pain crisis will aggravate your symptoms rather than relieve them.  Stretching on a consistent basis can go a long way towards improving your health.  I recommend / hand out specific exercises to my patients on a regular basis.  The patients who do their exercises seem to do much better than those who don’t.

Exercise is also very important.  By the time we reach adult years, we have usually suffered at least one significant sprain / strain type injury.  These injuries happen as a result of falls, whiplash, heavy lifting and various sports injuries.  Sprain / strain type injuries can damage the ligaments in the neck resulting in a weak link.  For many people, the only way to add stability to their necks is with exercise.  Just like stretching, however, exercise must be habit that is begun for an episode of pain.  Exercising muscles that span a dysfunctional joint is a sure fire recipe for further aggravation.

One of the more difficult ways to prevent neck pain is by watching your posture.  Posture is a difficult thing to control because we tend to do our work in front of us which makes it easy to tilt our heads down and round our shoulders forward.  This posture causes anterior weight bearing and creates a tremendous amount of stress on the neck and upper back.  Proper ergonomic set ups at both work and home do a great deal to help us with posture.  The most important item concerning posture is to simply be aware of it and to straighten up whenever we think of it.

More coming soon!    

Writers Bio

Dr. Steven R. Jones is a licensed Chiropractor in the state of California. He received his doctorate from Palmer College of Chiropractic-West in Sunnyvale, California. Dr. Jones has treated his patients for over 15 years at his own San Diego Chiropractic practice.

Dr. Jones is accepting new patients and would be happy to consult with you regarding your chiropractic needs.

Call Steve Jones at

(619) 280 0554

San Diego Chiropractic

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Better Health Steve Jones